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Since 1901, we have held strong to the belief that ALL K–12 STUDENTS deserve a quality art education. This is why we are committed to providing superior art curriculum, engaging studio lessons, and valuable advocacy and classroom resources. In support of this principle, our mission is simple...
Support educators. Foster excellence in Art Education. Inspire meaningful connections for students. Think Deeply. Evolve. Engage. Advocate and Empower.
To honor our history and continue our unique tradition of providing superior education resources that: SUPPORT Art Educators, INSPIRE students and ENGAGE them in learning, CREATE deep connections, EDUCATE the community, ELEVATE the importance of creativity, DEVELOP a culture of meaning and purpose, SUPPORT strength and growth of quality art education in all schools, foster PRIDE in our employees, and ADVOCATE for a brighter future.
We believe quality art education is necessary for ALL K–12 students. Because of this, we are committed to:
Inclusivity and Diversity Commitment
Creativity is only possible when we can celebrate being our truest selves. At Davis, we are driven by the belief that diversity in our society and in our schools makes humanity greater and creativity flourish. We are proud of our deep and longstanding celebration of diversity and inclusion and work hard to be a representative publisher where everyone is encouraged to be exactly who they are. Too often, people are marginalized and their voices underheard. We are driven to change that.
We aim to do this through embracing diversity within our teams and authors, featuring underrepresented artists in our publications, promoting inclusivity in our content, and supporting educators and students from all backgrounds and walks of life.
Our purpose is to provide meaningful resources for the individual needs of your diverse students. Our goal is for all students to see themselves reflected in our pages regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality, ability, and background. And, you can be assured that the team creating each publication—whether it’s core curriculum, a resource book, SchoolArts magazine, our digital image library, or our blogs—is as passionate about equality, diversity, and inclusion as you are.
Solidarity Statement As artists and educators, we are in a unique position to challenge inequities and encourage others to explore new ways of thinking and being through art. We understand that bringing issues of racial injustice to light and taking a stand against racism requires a personal commitment. We join you in that commitment.
Davis Publications will continue to use our platform to amplify marginalized voices, embrace and promote diversity, feature underrepresented artists in our publications, and support educators and students from all backgrounds and walks of life. There is so much work to be done, but we promise to continue to push ourselves further to do more, and to help bring the change that is so desperately needed in our world.