Davis Publications Educational Dealer Policy

Davis Publications textbooks and ancillaries are available through Davis Publications only (800-533-2847). They are not available for sale to Dealers.

Resource Books Only
Resource book titles earn a wholesale discount based upon the total number of books first in art education since 1901 ordered (mixed-title).


  • All orders are shipped collect. Customer must provide a FEDEX or UPS number to pre-pay freight charges. If you do not provide Davis with a number to ship collect, a 10% (ten percent) shipping and handling charge will be added to all orders. There is no weekend delivery for any orders, including Rush. Davis only ships and delivers on business days.

Rush Shipping

  • Any order that requires faster than standard turn-around will require RUSH Shipping. There is a $10.00 processing fee. Rush orders must be received before 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time to be processed that day. There is no weekend delivery for any orders, including Rush. Davis only ships and delivers on business days.


  • We accept returns, WITH PRIOR APPROVAL, from domestic customers within 30 days of invoice date.
  • Return authorization is required. Fax requests to 508-753-3834. Shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer.
  • Materials must be returned unmarked and in saleable condition.
  • *Saleable condition indicates the items are not shelf-worn, faded, damaged, etc.
    Items returned in any of these conditions will not be credited to the customer’s account and will not be returned.
  • A packing slip or invoice number with date of invoice must be included.
    *No credit will be applied to invoices older than 30 days.
    Returns ARE subject to a $20.00 or 15% restocking fee, whichever is greater.
  • Any book damaged in transit is returnable for exchange or refund, when notification is received within 15 days of receipt. Please include the packing slip or invoice with any damaged goods. Authorization is required.
  • Only titles purchased directly from Davis and accompanied by a copy of the original invoice will be considered for return.

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