Davis Desk

Connecting Arts Education to Student Success

By Toni Henneman, posted on Dec 15, 2018

As art educators you all understand that “high-quality arts integration is more than including artistic activities as an add-on, it is a connection process that requires students to use higher-order thinking skills and aesthetic qualities to gain further understanding of a particular academic concept.”

The human brain engaging in creativity to illustrate the concept of connecting arts education to student success.

When done purposefully arts integration provides excellent opportunities for keeping students fully engaged. Our article, Connecting Arts Education to Student Success, shares the approaches and experiences of Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD) in creating a high-quality arts program and connecting arts instruction to other disciplines. It also highlights college and career readiness and their district goals—keeping students fully engaged, enabling them to see the relevance of their lesson content, and empowering them for life after high school. Read the article.