Differentiated Instruction in Art

Art Education in Practice Series

By Heather Fountain

Differentiated Instruction has become increasingly important in classrooms across the country, and now this resource adapts the leading theories, ideas, and best practices specifically for art educators. Bring your teaching to a whole new level as Heather Fountain guides you through her own journey of incorporating effective methods into practice in the artroom.

Differentiated Instruction in Art provides strategies that make learning meaningful, exciting, and accessible, taking into consideration students’ interests, readiness, and learning styles. There are suggestions for how to foster community in the artroom by empowering students in a variety of ways, including building choice into the process, content, and product in your lessons. 221 pages, softcover

What Is Differentiated Instruction?

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: What Is Differentiated Instruction?
  • Chapter 2: History and Foundations
  • Chapter 3: Why Teach This Way?
  • Chapter 4: One Teacher, Many Roles
  • Chapter 5: Getting Started
  • Chapter 6: Curriculum
  • Chapter 7: Differentiated Lesson Examples
  • Chapter 8: Tips for Success

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