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Looking for new ideas for lessons to use in online and hybrid classrooms? Here is a curated collection of lessons we’ve assembled just for you! Check back often for updates and new inspiration.

High School: Robot Zoo

High School: Robot Zoo

Students enrolled in introductory photography courses choose an animal to recreate as a robot using photographs of mechanical parts. Students utilize Photoshop and other digital resources to give their creations the illusion of form.

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High School: Pandemic Portfolios

High School: Pandemic Portfolios

Students document their perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted them through color or black-and-white photo stories. In the process, students learn how to combine their images to present a cohesive story.

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High School: Gridless Tessellations

High School: Gridless Tessellations

Art educator Eric Gibbons describes three approaches for revamping the classic tessellation-drawing lesson. Students go beyond the grid method to draw and watercolor-paint personalized compositions.

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The Cracker Box Sketchbook

The Cracker Box Sketchbook

As classes shift to hybrid or blended models, you’ll all be demonstrating what you teach every day in your classrooms: the value of creativity and creative thinking. Check out this article from an educator determined to keep her students engaged through resourcefulness.

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Middle School: Creative Faces

Middle School: Creative Faces

Encourage spontaneity, originality, and problem solving by challenging students to create a face using materials that they have brought to class with them. Once faces are assembled, the lesson is completed with time for observation, reflection, and response during class discussion.

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All Levels: Pantry Painting

All Levels: Pantry Painting

Learn how to make paint substitutes using water with food coloring, spices, and other items from your kitchen pantry. Art educator Charity-Mika Woodard finds that she can use instant coffee to build up values and create layered paintings.

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All Levels: Found-Object Color Wheel

All Levels: Found-Object Color Wheel

Students gather objects in all colors from around the home and then make and photograph a color wheel.

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