Episode 96: Collaboration Between Music & Art
How can you creatively showcase art and another discipline? What are the benefits of collaborating between different disciplines? Can you overcome struggles that can happen when collaborating between disciplines? In this episode, The Creativity Department discusses these questions and more with long-time Music Educator, Jonathan Seligman. Dive into the similarities between Art and Music curriculum, the challenges both face with advocacy, and creative ways the two can support one another to promote the importance arts hold in educating today’s students. Listen in and be inspired with ways to showcase both art and music without one overpowering the other.
Enjoy these resources from the episode with Jonathan Seligman (@MrSeligman). Explore the links below for more inspiration and information.
Collaborative Tape Art: The PiktoTape Method
Chula Vista Elementary School District 6th Annual VAPA Festival 2022
Podcast Episodes
Episode 15 – David Gorden – Creating Diversity through Character Development
Episode 88 – Chatting with Momo Pixel