
Episode 115: Preparing & Promoting for YOUTH ART MONTH

By Laura and Matt Grundler, posted on Feb 23, 2023

In 1961, March was established as Youth Art Month to bring attention to Art Education and recognize it as a core factor in a complete curriculum. To this day, its goal remains the same, direct attention to the value of art education for divergent and critical thinking and expand art programs in schools. In recent years, art educators have used Youth Art Month to advocate for their programs with great success! In this episode, Kris Bakke, Vice President of the Council for Art Education, joins the podcast for a discussion about participating, preparing, and getting the most out of YAM. Listen in to learn effective methods for celebrating and advocating for your art program and the benefits that come from it!


Explore these resources from the K12ArtChat podcast, Preparing & Promoting for Youth Art Month, with Vice President of the Council for Art Education Kris Bakke.

Read the X chat here.



