Episode 26: Public Art and Student Collaboration
The Tape Art movement originated in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1989 in the form of large-scale, collaborative drawings created out of tape in public spaces. In the years since then, Tape Art has opened the world of innovation and collaboration to thousands of students. From brainstorming to critical thinking and problem solving, Collaborative Tape Art has countless benefits! In this episode, the Creativity Department speaks with Leah Smith and Michael Townsend of the original Tape Art Crew. Listen in and learn about the importance of experimentation, thinking big, working together, and taking risks for students of all abilities across all grades.
Use the following links to access resources from the X chat and podcast discussion with Leah Smith and Michael Townsend of the original Tape Art Crew (@TapeArt). Enjoy these resources for more inspiration and information.
Book, Tape, & Professional Development
Collaborative Tape Art
Professional Development
Tape Art: Artist Talk
Facilitating Creative Artmaking Experiences
Free Lessons
Figure Drawing Mashup
It Happened on a Train