Episode 138: Talking about Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB)
“The very heart of TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) is centered around 1) the child is the artist, 2) the classroom is the studio, and 3) exploring what artists do.” TAB can be a sticky subject depending on whether you dive into a full student-centered approach, introduce elements of it, or rely on a “standard skill-based pedagogy.” Is there common ground? In this episode, the Creativity Department discusses this with Jen Ferrari and Abi Paytoe Gbayee. As art educators and hosts of the TAB Storytellers podcast, Jen and Abi have years of experience. Listen in as they share advice and information on TAB pedagogy. Get resources for using it in the art room and learn how it can be assessed using a skill criteria.
Explore these resources from the K12ArtChat podcast, Talking about Teaching for Artistic Behavior, with art educators Jen Ferrari and Abi Paytoe Gbayee.
- TAB Website
- Teaching for Artistic Behavior, Inc.
- Studio Thinking Website
- TAB Storytellers Podcast
- Abi’s Dissertation on the Definition and History of TAB