Episode 91: Teaching Narrative, Idea, & Inquiry
How do you inspire students to dive deeper into the thinking around what they create? Every artwork tells a story; and narrative, point of view, language, perspective, etc. support and strengthen the ideas inspiring those stories. On the flip side of that coin, can you simultaneously teach students to make meaningful art about ideas and inquiry while teaching skills? Connie Jimenez Zammett says, “YES! Every skill can be connected to an idea, a connotation, or a suggestion.” As a high school AP art educator, she teaches students at an important time of learning and inspires them to weave that learning into their art. Listen in to hear how Connie does this and how you can benefit from her experiences!
Enjoy these resources from the episode with Connie Jimenez Zammett (@ConnieDraws). Explore the links below for more inspiration and information.
Connie’s Tips for K12ArtChat Participation
AP Mentoring
SCAD AP Art and Design Educator Series
Brief video about QFT