Elementary/Early ChildhoodProducts

Grades 1-6

Explorations in Art, Grades 1–6

Elementary Program by Marilyn G. Stewart

Explorations in Art, 1–6, 2nd Edition, is the most comprehensive resource for 1–6 art educators, with learning focused on Big Ideas and Essential Questions; brilliant fine art images from around the globe and across time, including some of the most exciting and innovative 21st century artists; engaging process-based studios; STEAM explorations, and meaningful literacy and STEM connections that complement art instruction. A focus on inquiry, artist as researcher, and choice ensures that students are fully engaged in their learning.

Learn about Explorations in Art, Kindergarten.

This brief video will provide a high-level overview of the new second edition, including the Davis Digital platform.

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Explorations in Art is available as an eBook on the Davis Digital platform.

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Grade 1
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Grade 1

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • Where do we find beauty in our world?
  • What do we care about?
  • How do we tell stories?
  • What do we see in nature?
  • How do we remember special times?
  • Where do we see change in our world?
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Grade 2
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Grade 2

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • Where do we find beauty in nature?
  • How do we share our lives?
  • How do we tell stories?
  • How do we work and play?
  • How do we plan our places and spaces?
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Grade 3
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Grade 3

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • How do people share their lives with one another?
  • Where can our imagination take us?
  • Where do we find stories in our lives?
  • How do we connect with places and spaces in our lives?
  • How are we connected with the natural world?
  • How do people participate in traditions?
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Grade 4
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Grade 4

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • How do we see our world?
  • How can we share ideas?
  • What makes a place special?
  • What does nature give us?
  • How do we honor and change traditions in our lives?
  • What can we imagine?
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Grade 5
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Grade 5

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • Who are we?
  • How do we live our lives?
  • What can the past teach us?
  • How can we explore the unexpected?
  • How can we learn by observing the natural world?
  • How can we communicate our ideas and feelings?
  • What can we imagine?
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Grade 6
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Grade 6

By Marilyn G. Stewart

Engage your students as they explore Big Ideas that are relevant to their lives. Your students will create, view, and discuss artworks that explore these Essential Questions:

  • What does observation of people in daily life tell us about being human?
  • What does it mean to live in harmony with nature?
  • Why are stories important in our lives?
  • How do we create order and beauty in our world?
  • What counts as communication?
  • How do we celebrate important people, places, and events?
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