Elementary/Early ChildhoodProducts


Explorations in Art, Kindergarten

Program by Cathy Weisman Topal

You’ll love teaching Kindergarten with this child-centered, carefully structured program. Experience, along with your students, the delight of discovering materials, developing skills, and inventing new ways to create. Field-tested, effective classroom management techniques are included in each lesson. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, students naturally connect to concepts across the curriculum, from discovering the parts of insects and other animals to thinking about and designing buildings and communities.

This brief video will provide a high-level overview of the new second edition, including the Davis Digital platform.

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Explorations in Art Kindergarten is available as an eBook on the Davis Digital platform.

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Explorations in Art, 2nd Edition

Create studio art experiences that will engage your young students in exploration and invention, while helping them realize the significance of art and design in their lives. As your students investigate and experiment through this sequential program they will:

  • Practice using twenty-first century skills such as innovation, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.
  • Develop an attitude and aptitude for joyful learning as they discover there are many ways to use any art material.
  • Explore a variety of tools, materials, and processes as they experiment with diverse ways of approaching a variety of challenges.
  • Develop respect for the work of classmates, artists, and cultures by sharing ideas and possibilities.
  • Engage analytical thinking skills and increase vocabulary while explaining their work.
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