Resource BooksHigh School

Drawing Assessment Charts

By Ivan E. Cornia and A. Steve Egan

By Ivan E. Cornia and A. Steve Egan

Take the mystery out of realistic drawing for your students.

A set of 5 extra large (28 x 36") wall charts uses a four-level, 20-point rubric to help students self-assess and monitor their growth in proficient, realistic drawing. The five charts are: Visual Field, Dimension, Shape, Light, and Value. ISBN: 978-08719-2689-0, softcover, grades 9–12

Teacher’s Guide features (128 pages):

  • Comparisons of details in the Levels I, II, and III drawings to those of the Expert Level IV
  • Easy-to-use score sheets to help students assess their work
  • A copy of each wall chart for students to use at their desks

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