Rethinking Curriculum in Art

Art Education in Practice Series

By Marilyn G. Stewart and Sydney R. Walker

Research shows that thematic teaching across the curriculum significantly increases student engagement. Rethinking Curriculum in Art gives concrete examples of how teachers can enhance their current lessons and studio activities by organizing them around meaningful, universal themes such as identity, conflict, and relationships. Step-by-step guidelines for selecting content and organizing art instruction, sample completed worksheets, and charts to guide curriculum planning are included. 162 pages, softcover

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Rethinking Curriculum in Context
  3. Making It Count: Unit Foundations
  4. Making Choices: Selecting Lesson Content to Build on Unit Foundations
  5. Helping Students Learn: Instruction
  6. Targeting Understanding: Assessment and the Curriculum
  7. Art and Integrated Curriculum
  8. Visual Culture and the Curriculum

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