Professional Development Session Types

Providing the greatest variety of Art Education specific Professional Development, we offer a variety of session types both in-person and online. Our master teachers are experts in the most current classroom pedagogy as well as the practical, discipline specific, and targeted application of research-backed content.

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Choose from three types:

A master teacher leads pre-planned professional development sessions.

Pre-planned sessions developed by our master teachers and instructors offer information, strategies, and guidance on the hottest subjects in art education today. Implement topics with sessions that incorporate hands-on activities, book studies, curriculum planning, and more. Workshops are available in face-to-face, virtual, or blended formats.

A master teacher leads a custom session designed by our professional development manager.
Custom Sessions

Custom sessions are designed to support your school or district’s specific needs. Provide meaningful learning that is immediately applicable to classroom practice through coaching, implementation support, or one-on-one and small-group instruction. Custom sessions are available in face-to-face, virtual, and blended formats.

A master teacher leads a professional development super session at an art education conference.
Conference Sessions

Topics of your choice can be delivered online or in person as keynote or super sessions, panel discussions, or general presentations. Learn from our scholars and apply that knowledge across your team's practice immediately. Choose content from our standard topics or design a custom session with our Professional Development Manager.

Learn More about the Topics We Offer

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