Reggio Emilia Approach

to Early Childhood Education

What is the Reggio Emilia approach?

The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education that was developed after World War II in the community of Reggio Emilia, Italy. This city-run educational system for young children originated in schools and was started by parents under the guidance of Loris Malaguzzi.

Malaguzzi, a Psychologist, and the parents believed that personality is formed during early years of development and that children possess “a hundred languages” through which they can express their ideas. Teaching how to use these symbolic languages (painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life is the purpose of Reggio Emilia.

The approach focuses on the educational importance of community and free inquiry as its primary values. Instead of “teaching children,” Reggio stimulates children, teachers, and parents to enjoy learning “how to learn.” Based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a stimulating and enriching environment (conducive to playful and serious exploration, problem solving, and creative thinking) the program promotes the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum. Student learning is rigorously documented and evaluated to constantly improve their learning and progress.

The Reggio Emilia approach has transformed schools and learning around the world using distinct features, such as:

  • family participation,
  • collegial work of the staff,
  • carefully designed school environments,
  • the presence of the atelier—a workshop or studio,
  • the use of documentation as a tool for planning and authentic assessment,
  • and the support of a pedagogical-didactic coordinating team.


Davis offers a variety of resources inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.


Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, The Hundred Languages in Ministories

The Hundred Languages in Ministories

In The Hundred Languages in Ministories, we can finally observe the timeless, extraordinary stories first seen in the Italian edition of The Hundred Languages of Children, as Loris Malaguzzi originally intended. Learn more about The Hundred Languages in Ministories.

Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia

Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia

Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia captures and celebrates 30 years of the Reggio Emilia innovative presence and inspiration in North American early childhood educational thought and practice. Learn more about Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia.

Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, Documenting Children's Meaning

Documenting Children’s Meaning

In Documenting Children’s Meaning, we are invited into the world of children and families at the Together for Families drop-in program in Hamilton, Ontario. You will see traces of children’s learning presented through the careful listening and attentive lens of Jason Avery in the form of documentation. Learn more about Documenting Children’s Meaning.

Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, Beautiful Stuff: Learning with Found Materials

Beautiful Stuff: Learning with Found Materials

Inspired by educational practices in Reggio Emilia, Italy, this book focuses on process rather than product. Chapters cover collecting and organizing materials, stimulating thoughts about design, reflecting upon and extending work, and more. Several sorting and categorizing activities are presented, along with individual and group projects and constructions. Learn more about Beautiful Stuff: Learning with Found Materials.

Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, Explorations in Art, Kindergarten

Explorations in Art, 2nd Edition, Kindergarten

You’ll love teaching Kindergarten with this child-centered, carefully structured program. Experience, along with your students, the delight of discovering materials, developing skills, and inventing new ways to create. Field-tested, effective classroom management techniques are included in each lesson. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, students naturally connect to concepts across the curriculum, from discovering the parts of insects and other animals to thinking about and designing buildings and communities. Learn more about Explorations in Art, Kindergarten.

Cover of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education book, Creative Minds: Out-of-School

Creative Minds—Out of School

Creative Minds—Out of School is an exciting program created to engage K–5 children in high-quality art exploration and art-making in afterschool and out-of-school time settings. Each lesson is developed to strengthen arts-based, inquiry-based teaching skills and be easily used by educators, regardless of their previous art experience. Learn more about Creative Minds—Out of School.


Links to Reggio Emilia Organizations and Resources

North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA)

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Reggio Children

Reggio Emilia at Lesley University

Learning Materials Workshop


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