
Editor's Letter: Independence

By Nancy Walkup, posted on Sep 2, 2020

Independence—isn’t that a quality you want your students to develop? The need for student independence is essential, now more than ever, in light of this unprecedented pandemic.

Nancy working independently from her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Good for Students
Though we face many challenges, there are still great things happening. Have you noticed how beneficial choice-based art education has been to remote teaching and promoting student independence? Have you seen families joining in, working together on projects, and learning side by side with their children? Have you seen how the availability of smartphones has been of help to students who lack internet access and other devices? Have you noticed how important the use of photography to record or make art has become to students working independently at home?


Good for Teachers
Teachers have had to quickly learn how to set up remote teaching studios and digital art exhibits, and the internet has made it possible for teachers to help and support others who face the same challenges. A number of websites and Facebook groups, webinars, online conferences, and Zoom meetings make content available to many. As always, art teachers have been incredibly generous in sharing resources and lessons.


As I write this, I wonder what school will look like in the fall. For you, much will depend on your state and school district. I suspect many of you will be working in hybrid situations, with students learning face-to-face at school and learning remotely and independently at home. No matter the situation or challenge, I know art teachers will rise to meet it. We’ve got this!


View this article in the digital edition.